Record a HD quality video with a good background, proper lighting and good audio quality of yourself singing the song. Upload it on your Youtube Channel OR on Facebook by tagging "KWCIndia"
Please tell us in the description who you are, your age, occupation and which city within India you are representing and remember to use the following hashtags.
This is a good example for the post for video upload:
"I am Kapil Sharma, 45, a comedian. I represent Goa at the Karaoke World Championship India. This is my entry for the #kwc2021 #karaokeworldchampionships #KWConline #singers #bestsingers #coversongs #amazingvoices #singing #singingcover #singingvideos"
To-Do List before uploading!
Choose your competition song
Rehearse the song, think of how YOU would like to perform it
Shoot rehearsal videos of your song, listen to your sound and look at your performance
When you're ready: choose a nice location, check for enough light, set up your karaoke, camera, mic and record your video
Upload Video on your YouTube Channel or on your Facebook Page. Tag @KWCINDIA
Go to "Participate Now" page and Register for the KWC Global Video Challenge! [+]